Dear, We are Hoang Hai Pharmaceutical Company, Limited. We have been working in Pharmaceutical for 5 years. During such time, we have been distributing around 30 products (90% of them are ETC products) for about 600 hospitals, pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies in Vietnam.
About Us
Focus on human resources and make the best use of such resources.
Bring new methods and products to enhance the healthcare treatment in Vietnam.
Provide products in need with high quality
Contribute to the enhancement of public health.
Build up a creative, active and fairly competitive environment for...
Core values
Coporate culture
1. We have clear job discriptions containing objectives, discriptions and protocols for each
Why should you chose us?
Hoang Hai is a trustworthy distributor in many reputable hospitals in the North of Vietnam. We also co-work with other distributors in the South to distribute our products to hospitals there....
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Tổng kết năm 2014 Dược phẩm Hoàng Hải
Công ty TNHH Dược Phẩm Hoàng Hải là đơn vị chuyên phân phối...

Khám bệnh và phát thuốc miễn phí cho đối tượng chính sách
Nhân kỷ niệm 67 năm Ngày Thương binh – Liệt sĩ (27/7/1947 –...